Social Photography 3: The Beautiful Scenes of Everyday Life in Tehran


This is Part 3 of my social photography essay. It shows various forms of representations of Tehranian's experiences through encounters with daily life ...
An American between Iranians
Elli Lester & Amu (uncle) Hassan
(Elle Lester Roushanzamir, 2008, Face Book)

A Love Affairs

(Sobhan Rezaee, April 2008, ISU)

A Delicious Meal in Ahar Village
(Sobhan Rezaee, August 2007, Ahar)

A Toy Store in Teharn

(Sobhan Rezaee, April 2007, Vanak Square)

Fashions in Tehran

(Sobhan Rezaee, April 2007, Vanak Square)

A Beautiful Carpet

(Sobhan Rezaee, June 2008, Valliasr St.)

Two Popular Ads: Nursing in home & Window Shade Store

(Sobhan Rezaee, August 2007, Near the Ahar Village)

A Street Theatre: Pauper & Tired Father
(Sobhan Rezaee, March 2008, Daneshjou Park)

(Sobhan Rezaee, June 2008, Tehran Subway)

Social Photography 2: Popular Advertisements

For A Good Friend,
Elle Lester Roushanzamir

Many people of my country, Iran, use from their creativity in designing their advertisements, without applying regular economic or scientific forms. These objects are hybrids, which are coming from semi-modern Tehranian Culture and economy. There are some examples of this type of advertisement, on this entry...

(Photographed by Sobhan Rezaee, Palang Chal Mountain Shelter, March 2008)
Description: Mahnaz Afshar, who is one of the most popular actress of Iran.

(Photographed by Sobhan Rezaee, Narmak Square, November 2007)

(Photographed by Sobhan Rezaee, Resalat Square, May 2008)
The gray photos of popular actors, who are at the top on 1970's
(Before the Revolution)
Price: Large Pictures, 500 Tomans (0.5 $), Small Photos, 300 Tomans (0.3 $)

(Photographed by Sobhan Rezaee, Darakeh Mountain, Feb 2008)
Description: A lovely Message: Nastaran Habibi, I love you; signed by Alireza

(Photographed by Sobhan Rezaee, Tagrish Square, Nov 2007)
First Ads: Boxing Training
Second Ads: A proclamation for Masculine death
(Photographed by Sobhan Rezaee, Tagrish Square, Nov 2007)

Description: A proclamation for Feminine death, There is no picture of dead woman on it.
(Photographed by Sobhan Rezaee, Resalat Square, May 2008)
First Ads: Job for women
Second Ads (Left): Lost Person
Third Ads: Epilation Centre
(Photographed by Sobhan Rezaee, Resalat Square, Nov 2007)
Description: Cigar ads & Charge Cards of Cell Phones
(Photographed by Sobhan Rezaee, Moola Sadra Street, April 2008)